Terms of Use


Welcome to the website of Gemeric Consuting Kft.


By accessing this site and using all our online services, you consent to the application of the Terms of Use and agree to the terms and conditions described below. The language of the website is English, the Hungarian translation is for informational purposes, please always check the English text.

  1. If you do not agree to the Terms of Use, please do not use the website.


When using our online services and communicating with us, you must NOT impersonate any other user or other person, register with an invalid or unauthorized email address, or use an invalid or unauthorized email address.


The use of offensive, rude, vulgar or abusive language is not permitted and will result in suspension of access to the website and customer service. We apply the principle of zero tolerance in communication, only communication based on respect for each other is allowed!


  1. Customer Service is available only and exclusively to our business partners and only after the conclusion of the contract.
  2. Customer Service requires prior registration to use Customer Service. Registration is provided in the business contract and is carried out by our colleagues in the system.
  3. Customer Service registration requires the user’s name and the official e-mail address provided by the company they represent, which includes the company’s name.
  4. You cannot use a public e-mail address provided by an e-mail service provider that is accessible to anyone.
  5. Only a company email address can verify that the user is actually acting in the name or on behalf of his company.
  6. It is the partner’s responsibility and obligation to delete the company email addresses and access of stakeholders/employees leaving their company from Customer Service.
  7. The partner shall be liable for damage caused by a data subject/employee who has left the partner, unless the partner has requested the deletion of the customer service access, until he requests the deletion of the access in writing.
  8. Customer Service uses a two-factor access system, when logging in, the user receives the login code to their registered email address.
  9. Registered users will also receive the response to their tickets submitted on the website to their registered e-amil address, and their response to it in the e-mail will be automatically recorded in the previously opened ticket.
  10. Registered users can also initiate ticket submission from their registered e-mail address, for this purpose  an e-mail must be sent to the support@gemeric.com address from their registered e-mail address. In this case, too, a ticket will automatically be generated for their user account. In case of a ticket initiated in this way, it is not possible to select a ticket category and priority, the ticket is automatically placed in general category and low priority.

We strive for maximum accuracy and security and do our best to ensure the accuracy of the information on this website.

 With regard to the content of the website and customers service, Gemeric Consulting Kft. does not represent or guarantee accuracy, marketability, suitability for specific purposes, or the integrity of the content published on or accessible through the website, so please always contact us at the info@gemeric.com e-mail address.

Thank you for visiting the website of Gemeric Consulting Kft., thank you for your cooperation and understanding! We hope to welcome you among our partners soon!